3 Tips to Make Losing Teeth Less Scary For Your Child

January 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 9:52 pm
Smiling girl holding up baby tooth

As a parent, you know that losing baby teeth is a milestone to be celebrated. However, your little one may have a hard time viewing it that way. In fact, loose teeth may be a source of anxiety or stress for them. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. Keep reading to learn a few tips that will help your child look forward to their changing smile!


What Does My Dental Insurance Plan Cover?

November 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 10:26 pm
Dental Insurance

Millions of Americans all over the country have dental insurance and benefit from it each year. In fact, the National Association of Dental Plans reports that 77% of Americans have dental benefits and most of them have private coverage from an employer or group program. However, it can be difficult to navigate your dental insurance plan because it differs from health insurance. Your dentist in Hoover explains what is and isn’t generally covered by your benefits and other helpful information you should know so that you can maximize your coverage for the entire family.


The Parent’s Guide To Responding To Children’s Dental Emergencies

September 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 2:03 pm
child crying with a bloody lip

As a parent, it can be difficult to react calmly and effectively to keep your child’s mouth from sustaining additional damage during a shocking dental emergency. For your child, the surprising turn of events that caused their pain can have a lasting impact, even as you reach their children’s dentist in Hoover. To help make their visit smooth, calm their nerves, and get them the fast care they need, you can read below for a list of suggested steps to take in the face of a children’s dental emergency.


Losing Baby Teeth: What to Expect

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 8:34 pm
Girl missing tooth at the beach smiles after seeing Hoover children's dentist

Do you know when your son or daughter’s baby teeth should start falling out? As a parent, you undoubtedly want to do everything you can to keep your child’s oral health and development on track. While every individual tooth loss is unique, there are a few common factors to keep in mind that can help you ensure this exciting time goes smoothly for your child. Read on as your Hoover children’s dentist explains what you can expect when it comes to losing baby teeth and your little one’s growing smile.


How to Care for Your Child’s Smile This Summer

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 10:28 pm
Boy in pool smiles after visiting his Hoover children's dentist

It’s likely that this summer will look very different than any your family has had before, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Now is a great time to relax by the pool, have fun in the sun, and teach your child how to care for their smile. The last thing your son or daughter needs is a cavity or toothache during their summer vacation. Your Hoover children’s dentist shares five tips to keep that precious smile sunny all season long.


The Ways Your Dental Team Keeps Their Hands Clean During COVID-19

May 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 7:15 am
Dentist in Hoover washes their hands.

Think about all the surfaces you touch with your hands in a single day. Now, think about how often you touch your face. It’s easy to see how germs can reach your mouth and infect you. While your body can protect you from most diseases, the threat of the coronavirus requires you to take additional steps to keep your hands clean. Your dentist in Hoover understands this and is doing their best to stop germs from reaching you when you come in for care. Read on to find out what steps dental teams are taking to keep their hands germ free.


When Should My Child First See the Dentist?

April 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 6:18 pm
Young boy with baby teeth growing in

If you have a toddler at home, you’re probably checking off each box of healthcare to ensure their safety. One of these vital action items is your little one’s first visit to the children’s dentist in Hoover! But when should you take them in? What can you expect? Why is it important? Keep reading to learn the answers because it may be sooner than you think.


5 Oral Care Tips During The COVID-19 Crisis

March 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 4:06 pm
person washing their hands during the COVID-19 crisist

The CDC recommends that every household practice additional sanitation measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as frequent hand hygiene, avoiding touching the face, and using personal protective equipment. Because the virus is spread via droplet and can be contracted when it comes into contact with your mucous membrane, or your nose, eyes, or mouth. Read on to learn five oral care tips to practice at home during the COVID-19 crisis.


The Surprising Reasons Why Gum Health is Important

February 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 8:59 pm
Close-up of gum examination

When you think about February, what color comes to mind? For many, it’s red—the color of love! However, the color red isn’t always a good thing. In fact, red gums can often be a sign of gum disease. This month of romance is also a month of recognition! Gum Disease Awareness Month brings attention to the significance of healthy gums and the signs you can look out for to catch it early. Keep reading to learn more about this common problem and when it’s necessary to get gum disease treatment in Hoover.


The Best Practical New Year’s Resolutions for Your Smile

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 8:36 pm
Blank New Year's resolutions list

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? This time of year, many people set ambitious goals and habits to better themselves. Unfortunately, many of these resolutions don’t make it to Spring because they’re too difficult or don’t yield results fast enough. This year, instead of trying to run three miles every morning or reorganize your entire life, why not start with your smile? Improving your oral health is an easy New Year’s resolution that can have long lasting results. Studies show that taking care of your oral health can make you happier, healthier, and more confident. Try these practical New Year’s resolutions from your Hoover dentist to start improving your smile and your life right away!

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