Your tooth enamel is considered to be the strongest substance in the entire body; however, as you hear often from dentists, decay and damage can occur. What this means is that although it is strong, it’s not indestructible. Instead, it can be susceptible to bad oral bacteria and plaque, which ultimately leads to cavities. Fortunately, there is a method of treatment that helps to safeguard smiles and combat unsightly decay – fluoride. Read on to discover the benefits of this natural mineral and the kind of impact it can have on your pearly whites.
What is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a natural mineral that is commonly found in bones, teeth, soil, water, rocks, and plants. Most widely used among the dental community, it is also used in medical imaging and as a cleaning agent.
While this might sound like something you wouldn’t want anywhere near your teeth, it is actually quite helpful and can work to keep your pearly whites lasting longer.
How Does It Benefit Your Teeth?
Fluoride, when produced synthetically, can have a positive impact on your teeth. Integrated into drinking water, toothpaste, and mouthwash, it can create a protective barrier that prevents bad bacteria from penetrating enamel and causing cavities to form.
It also works to remineralize teeth that are weak because of decay, and it helps to minimize the potential for harmful bacteria to grow and spread.
Because the foods you eat can contain sugars and starches, they will produce harmful acids that can break down tooth enamel. Coating teeth in fluoride prevents early signs of decay from forming.
How Can You Use It Long-Term to Maintain a Healthy Smile?
If you want to make sure that your smile continues to look and feel healthy year after year, you’ll need to make sure that you stay on top of your oral hygiene routine. This means that you’ll need to brush with fluoride toothpaste twice each day (morning and night) using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
You’ll also want to floss in between teeth to remove any bacteria that may be trying to burrow and cause further decay. But stopping there is not enough. You’ll want to make sure that you rinse with a fluoride mouthwash to give your teeth a final coating.
Other ways you can ensure that your mouth remains better protected are by consuming tap water and asking your dentist if it might be beneficial to receive an additional fluoride treatment during your regular dental checkup and teeth cleaning appointment.
You only get one set of natural teeth, so it’s important to keep them in the best possible shape. You can do this with regular fluoride treatments, so don’t hesitate to ask about it during your next visit.
About the Author
Dr. Marc Moulton is a trusted dentist in Hoover who has more than 30 years of experience in the field. Providing exceptional service to patients of all ages, he enjoys offering preventive services that are designed to combat decay and keep smiles looking their best. If you are worried that your teeth may be vulnerable to cavities, visit our website or call (205) 988-3360 to inquire about preventive fluoride treatments.