Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? This time of year, many people set ambitious goals and habits to better themselves. Unfortunately, many of these resolutions don’t make it to Spring because they’re too difficult or don’t yield results fast enough. This year, instead of trying to run three miles every morning or reorganize your entire life, why not start with your smile? Improving your oral health is an easy New Year’s resolution that can have long lasting results. Studies show that taking care of your oral health can make you happier, healthier, and more confident. Try these practical New Year’s resolutions from your Hoover dentist to start improving your smile and your life right away!
Make a Dental Appointment
No matter how long it’s been since you’ve seen your dentist, it’s time to pick up your phone or go online to make an appointment. Committing to a regular dental checkup in Hoover is a New Year’s resolution with benefits that last a lifetime. Just because your teeth look and feel fine doesn’t necessarily mean you have good oral health. Your dentist can identify and treat and issues as early as possible, before they can cause you any discomfort.
Start Flossing Regularly
While a professional teeth cleaning in Hoover is very effective, it’s up to you to keep your smile happy, healthy, and clean at home. Even though it’s one of the most important dental habits, flossing is easy for many of us to put off. However, it’s also one of the best defenses against gum disease, which is linked to issues like tooth loss and heart disease. To stick to this New Year’s resolution, try buying a fun-flavored floss and put it somewhere you can see it every time you brush your teeth.
Learn to Snack Smart
You’ve probably made this resolution before in your quest to get healthier. Cutting back on sugary snacks is one of the best ways to boost your oral health and prevent tooth decay. Whenever you want to reach for an unhealthy treat, substitute it with a smile-friendly food like fish, cheese, or broccoli instead! Your teeth will thank you, since these foods help keep your teeth strong and healthy!
Put a Stop to Bad Habits
If you have bad habits that hurt your oral health, like smoking or chewing on hard objects, the New Year is a great time to put a stop to them. Smoking is unhealthy for all sorts of reasons, including discoloring your teeth and promoting gum disease. You could also easily chip or crack your teeth by chewing on objects like your fingernails, pen caps, or ice. Ask your friends and family for support as you break these habits or see your doctor or dentist for additional help.
This year get the happy, healthy smile you’ve always wanted! Use these practical New Year’s resolutions to boost your oral health in the upcoming year and for the rest of your life.
About the Author
Dr. Marc W. Moulton is a general, preventive, and cosmetic dentist in Hoover, AL. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama Dental School and member of the American Dental Association. To keep up on the newest technologies and practices in the dental industry, he completes a variety of continuing education courses, including several from the prestigious Spear Institute. If you would like to know more practical ways to maintain great oral health, Dr. Moulton would be happy to help you. He can be reached at his website or at (205) 988-3360.